True/False documentary film fest 2010

This year I was again a volunteer for the True/False film fest that took place last weekend. I was on the screening committee, so I watched a bunch of documentaries in the last few months and wrote summaries of them. I saw a lot of good stuff throughout the process, but one of my favorites was the experimental short “Loop Loop”, which made it into the “Someone to Watch Over” program at the fest. Check out the full video of Loop Loop online.

Charles Atlas has a posse

I have a couple of comic strips in T. Motley’s latest mini comic, True Fiction #8. The whole issue is devoted to various artists re-imagining the classic Charles Atlas ad “The insult that made a man out of mac.” My two variations are one from the bully’s point of view (a panel shown above) and a widescreen version. You can see some samples from the book on T. Motley’s blog, or get the comic at the Squidwork’s shop online.