I’ve refreshed my website with everything now running on wordpress and I’ve switched my domain yet again. The old site should redirect to this one, but you will have to change your RSS feeds for my blog. Part of the plan with this website is to showcase my portfolio a bit better, but I also hope to start blogging more regularly than I have been. Stay tuned!
New website look
I’ve updated my website with a whole new look, a small portfolio of work, and a change of web address. All the old addresses should still re-direct to here for now, but you may need to re-subscribe to my RSS feed to follow my blog. I might be tinkering with the design a bit more, but it’s done for the most part.
Monthly blog schedule takes a hike
The monthly schedule of this blog is taking a hike. The blog will be updated periodically when I have a new project to share. I’ve got quite a few projects to work on, so hopefully you’ll see something sooner or later.
The mail
More art from my short story I’m putting together for the Mid-Missouri Comics Anthology.
The beggars
This is a peek at a short story I’m putting together for the Mid-Missouri Comics Anthology.
The Zine Machine

This month I came across the zine machine, a vending machine at the University of Iowa Library that has been converted to dispense zines. I’ve been a fan of the art-o-mat project for some time, so I was quite interested to see something like this. I’ve sent off some of my comics that should appear in the machine soon.
Anthologies coming soon
Been working on a couple of stories for upcoming anthologies this month. Don’t worry, I’ll pass on more info when they are available.
Izzy Challenge sale
For the month of December get the complete run of Izzy Challenge for $3.50. That includes Izzy Challenge #1 to #5, which is normally $5.00 in value. Go to the online shop to buy the collection.