I created the cover for the newly released Syndicate Product 20 / The Meta-Comics Issue. The zine is an anthology of essays, stories, and comics about comics. A.J. Michel, the editor of the zine, ran a successful kickstarter campaign a while back to raise money for printing the book. You can buy the issue in the Syncidate Product Esty Shop.
HIVE Comics Anthology #5
The above panel is from a 3 pager I have in Hive Comics Anthology #5. Grimalkin Press has been doing some interesting anthologies these last few years, so I feel privileged to be in this collection. You can order a copy of the book in their online store.
Mid-Missouri Comics Vol. 1
Clean Anthology
The panel above is from a one page comic I have in A.J. Michel’s new Syndicate Product #15. It’s a zine anthology based around the theme of “coming clean.” The anthology features a whole bunch of cool zine and comic creators. You can pick up a copy through A.J.’s Etsy page.
Charles Atlas has a posse
I have a couple of comic strips in T. Motley’s latest mini comic, True Fiction #8. The whole issue is devoted to various artists re-imagining the classic Charles Atlas ad “The insult that made a man out of mac.” My two variations are one from the bully’s point of view (a panel shown above) and a widescreen version. You can see some samples from the book on T. Motley’s blog, or get the comic at the Squidwork’s shop online.
Watusi’s Doghouse Funhouse
I have a one page comic in Dale Martin’s new comic anthology Watusi’s Doghouse Funhouse. A description from Dale’s online store:
It’s 48 pages of all-ages fun, as Watusi the Talking Dog is joined by Doggie & Jilly, Thunderdawg!, Dapper and others. Featuring comics by Drew Boynton, Tom Cherry, Bill Hook, Matt Levin, Dale Martin, Ivan Martin, Mark Morehouse, Mike Sullivan, and JB Winter. With puzzles and a “complete your own comic” section inspired by Milt Gross. Hand-assembled with full-color cover.