I created the cover for the newly released Syndicate Product 20 / The Meta-Comics Issue. The zine is an anthology of essays, stories, and comics about comics. A.J. Michel, the editor of the zine, ran a successful kickstarter campaign a while back to raise money for printing the book. You can buy the issue in the Syncidate Product Esty Shop.
Sugar Needle illustration
I’ve got an illustration inside the recently released zine Sugar Needle #34. If you have a sweet tooth and like scouring the market aisles for strange and unusual candy, you’ll love this zine. You can get a copy for $2 at this address: Sugar Needle, PO Box 66835, Portland, OR 97290.
The Zine Machine
This month I came across the zine machine, a vending machine at the University of Iowa Library that has been converted to dispense zines. I’ve been a fan of the art-o-mat project for some time, so I was quite interested to see something like this. I’ve sent off some of my comics that should appear in the machine soon.