In the “Steve Canyon” comic strip Miss Mizzou occasionally name dropped some landmarks located in Columbia, Missouri. Here are a few examples:
In this first example from 1952, she drops veiled references to two local spots. She declares that she was once known as “Empress De Hink.” This is a reference to Hinkson Creek near campus—a popular spot for students to hang out. In the second panel she mentions the “Cannonball Express,” which is a reference to the Wabash Railroad Station in town. The reference is of course a play on the folk song “Wabash Cannonball.”
In this example from 1954, Miss Mizzou mentions the University of Missouri R.O.T.C. which is based in Crowder Hall on the MU campus. The R.O.T.C. was probably mentioned here because they accompanied Bek Stiner around town during her visit to campus in 1952. In the second panel one might think that Caniff is referencing the local Veteran’s Hospital, but apparently it wasn’t built until the 1960’s. In 1975 the hospital was named the Harry S. Truman Memorial Veterans’ Hospital.

IMAGE: Steve Canyon daily comic strip, August 10, 1962 — Copyright 2014 the Milton Caniff Estate. Courtesy of the Columbia Daily Tribune.
In this example from 1962, Steve Canyon gets a distress letter from Miss Mizzou. To verify it’s really her, she references the historic MU Columns. The columns are the most recognizable icon associated with MU; they are the surviving remnants of the burning of Academic Hall in 1892.