Inside Columbia Magazine Story

insidecolumbiaA story about the Miss Mizzou book is in the December 2014 issue of “Inside Columbia.” You can take a look a the story online or pick up a copy at a local newsstand like The Mizzou Store or Barnes & Noble. I love how the story mentions a lot of Columbia, Missouri, comic history including Mort Walker, Ernie’s Dick Tracy drawing, Steve Gerber, and Frank Stack. Putting Miss Mizzou amongst that history was one of my goals in producing the book, so I’m happy to see the character put within this context.

One more thing about “Inside Columbia“: They are currently running their Best of Columbia 2015 nominations, and apparently somebody put me on the list as a nominee under the author category. Feel free to go to the site and vote for me if you wish. I’m not hoping to win or anything, but it is nice to be nominated.