Steve Canyon 1955-1956 Collection


IMAGE: Steve Canyon 1955-1956 – Copyright 2015 the Milton Caniff Estate.

The latest Steve Canyon reprint volume from the Library of American Comics came out recently: Steve Canyon Volume 5: 1955-1956. A couple of small but notable Miss Mizzou related items are featured in this collection.


IMAGE: Steve Canyon daily comic strip, April 19, 1956 – Copyright 2015 the Milton Caniff Estate.

On April 19, 1956, Caniff included a sequence where Steve Canyon was reminiscing about various past story-lines. A panel from the end of Miss Mizzou’s adventure in 1954 makes a reappearance in this comic.


IMAGE: Steve Canyon daily comic strip, July 4, 1956 – Copyright 2015 the Milton Caniff Estate.

On July 4, 1956, Caniff had one comic where he tossed in an Air Force Sargent named “Ralph Stiner.” This name probably rang a bell for the original Miss Mizzou model Bek Stiner since her father was named Ralph. I’m not sure why his name specifically made it into this strip, but it wasn’t an unusual situation; Caniff would often name drop family, friends, & associates into the strip.