IMAGE: The Columbia Daily Tribune, December 15, 1958. This shows the new Miss Mizzou parking stickers created by the Chamber of Commerce. Used with permission of the Columbia Daily Tribune.
In the Miss Mizzou book I mention the Miss Mizzou parking stickers from 1958. Two things about the stickers that I didn’t get to include in the book:
- I found an original version of this sticker in Milton Caniff’s archives at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum in Ohio. It felt like a flexible vinyl sticker that you could easily remove, and it was essentially black ink on a dark red vinyl.
- I found another interesting thing at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum about this sticker: the original drawing used on the left side. The original Caniff drawing actually shows quite a bit more leg; perhaps someone at the local level colored in more of her trench coat to make her more modest? After the events of 1958 featuring Miss Mizzou, I’m sure the Chamber of Commerce didn’t want to take any more risks than necessary with this character.
I wonder if anybody in Columbia still has an original copy of this sticker?